
Newly discovered protein connected to Alzheimer's disease risk

A mutation in a newly discovered small protein is connected to a significant increase in the risk for Alzheimer's disease, expanding the known gene targets for the disease and presenting a new potential avenue for treatment, ...

Medical research

Mouse studies find sugar-free energy drinks just as harmful

Two Curtin research studies have found the excessive consumption of energy drinks, even sugar-free varieties, can cause significant damage to brain cells and increase the risks of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.


Keto diet protects optic nerve in glaucoma mouse model

Switching mice destined to develop glaucoma to a low carbohydrate, high fat diet protects the cells of the retina and their connections to the brain from degeneration, according to research published in JNeurosci. The study ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Myalgic encephalomyelitis associated with cellular energy strain

Professor Karl Johan Tronstad at the University of Bergen has supervised a study which found biochemical changes in the blood of ME patients. The results support the hypothesis that the disease involves impaired cellular ...

Medical research

Scientists discover switch that turns white fat brown

Scientists have discovered a biological switch that gives energy-storing white fat the characteristics of energy-burning brown fat. The findings could lead to new strategies for treating obesity.

Medical research

Gut microbes trigger fat loss in response to cold temperatures

Exposure to cold temperatures is known to mimic the effects of exercise, protecting against obesity and improving metabolic health. A study published December 3 in Cell now reveals that the beneficial health effects of cold ...


Researchers determine how much oxygen the brain needs

The brain has a high energy demand and reacts very sensitively to oxygen deficiency. LMU neurobiologists have now succeeded for the first time in directly correlating oxygen consumption with the activity of certain nerve ...

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