
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Relief for dry eyes

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Since the beginning of winter, my eyes feel dry and scratchy. I can no longer wear contacts because my eyes burn and sting, and are watery. How can my eyes be dry and watery at the same time, and what can ...


E-cigarettes significantly reduce tobacco cravings

Electronic cigarettes offer smokers a realistic way to kick their tobacco smoking addiction. In a new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, scientists at KU Leuven report ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Q and A: Tick-borne illnesses

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: A close friend was diagnosed recently with Lyme disease due to a tick bite. However, I recently read about some new type of tick-borne illness. My family loves to hike and be outdoors, but I'm nervous now ...


Toxins could make you fat - depending on gut bugs

Could persistent pollutants like DDT and PCBs or chemicals found in plastics be making you fat or diabetic? The answer may depend on what sort of bacteria you have churning around in your gut, according to Cornell scientists.

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