Psychology & Psychiatry

Healthy development thanks to older siblings

During the first years of their lives, children develop the cognitive, social and emotional skills that will provide the foundations for their lifelong health and achievements. However, exposure to environmental stressors ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Mother and child vulnerable to endocrine disruptor exposure

They can be found in cosmetics, plastic containers, furniture, toys, or baby bottles. Endocrine disruptors, molecules disrupting our hormones, are everywhere in our daily lives. However, their alarming effects on human health ...


On Nutrition: Another look at the Dirty Dozen

Did you ever think that strawberries, spinach and kale would be called "filthy"? Or leafy green vegetables "repeat offenders"? That's exactly how these especially nutritious fruits and vegetables are described in a recent ...


Groups petition FDA to restrict bisphenol A in food packaging

The Endocrine Society joined a coalition of physicians, scientists and public health and environmental organizations to send a formal petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), calling on the agency to rescind its ...


Spaceflight wreaks havoc on liver metabolism

The latest findings of a series of studies on mice that examined harmful effects caused by spending time in space show that gene expression related to liver metabolism is altered in response to the space environment. The ...

Overweight & Obesity

Stronger regulations needed on common obesity-promoting chemicals

Everyday exposure to obesity-promoting chemicals (obesogens) represents a significant risk to public health, and needs stronger regulation to minimize exposure and protect people's health, according to evidence presented ...

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