
Study supports association of alcohol and diabetes

Subjects in a cohort in Sweden, some of whom had been exposed to a community intervention program to prevent diabetes, were evaluated 8-10 years after baseline for the presence of diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose metabolism ...


BPA lowers male fertility: report

Daily exposure to a chemical that is prevalent in the human environment, bisphenol A (BPA), causes lowered fertility in male mice, according to the results of a new study that will be presented Saturday at The Endocrine Society's ...


On Nutrition: Another look at the Dirty Dozen

Did you ever think that strawberries, spinach and kale would be called "filthy"? Or leafy green vegetables "repeat offenders"? That's exactly how these especially nutritious fruits and vegetables are described in a recent ...

Overweight & Obesity

Stronger regulations needed on common obesity-promoting chemicals

Everyday exposure to obesity-promoting chemicals (obesogens) represents a significant risk to public health, and needs stronger regulation to minimize exposure and protect people's health, according to evidence presented ...

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