Autism spectrum disorders

Scientists trace autism 'pathway' from gene to brain

There is much that scientists don't know about autism. They don't know, for example, why the complicated, vexing disorder has become more common. In 2000, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that about ...


New discoveries in genetics of lung health

Scientists have for the first time discovered sixteen new sections of the genetic code that relate to lung health -- opening up the possibility for better prevention as well as treatment for lung diseases.

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Study shows increase in Parkinson's disease over 30 years (Update)

The incidence of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism increased significantly in 30 years from 1976 to 2005, Mayo Clinic researchers reported today in a study in JAMA Neurology. This trend was noted in particular for men ...


In sub-Saharan Africa, a shorter walk to water saves lives

In the fight against child mortality in the developing world, simple things make a big difference. A new study by Stanford researchers recently published online by the journal Environmental Science and Technology shows that ...

Inflammatory disorders

New study reveals characteristics of stable Vitiligo skin disease

A new study, led by researchers from the University of California, Irvine, reveals the unique cell-to-cell communication networks that can perpetuate inflammation and prevent repigmentation in patients with vitiligo disease.

Oncology & Cancer

African-American women 3 times more likely to get fibroids

Women who experience heavy periods, cramping, pain during sex, an urge to urinate frequently and even infertility may have a common disorder that affects African-American women three times more often than other women. This ...

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