
Study: Impact of genetics on human height is not increasing

The relative impact of genetics on height does not increase with improvements to the standard of living. These are the findings of an international research group which analysed the impact of genetic and environmental factors ...

Overweight & Obesity

Study hints healthier school lunch can reduce obesity

A 2010 federal law that boosted nutrition standards for school meals may have begun to help slow the rise in obesity among America's children—even teenagers who can buy their own snacks, a new study showed.


Epigenetics and epidemiology -- hip, hype and science

Epigenetics is the new hip science. Time Magazine's front cover and article, 'Why your DNA isn't your Destiny' from January 2010 explains why. Its more explicit subtitle provided the hook - 'The new science of epigenetics ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New clues to the mechanism behind treatment-resistant depression

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a widespread mental health condition that for many is disabling. It has long been appreciated that MDD has genetic as well as environmental influences. In a new study in Biological Psychiatry ...


Family history doubles asthma risk for preschoolers

(HealthDay)—Children with a family history of asthma have more than twofold higher rates of asthma through age 4 years, according to a study published online May 17 in JAMA Pediatrics.

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