Medical research

Study finds cosmetic products contain endocrine disruptors

Researchers from the University of Granada and the San Cecilio de Granada Teaching Hospital confirm that endocrine disruptors—chemical substances that may mimic or block the action of hormones—are present in some cosmetic ...


Celiac disease linked to common chemical pollutants

Elevated blood levels of toxic chemicals found in pesticides, nonstick cookware, and fire retardants have been tied to an increased risk for celiac disease in young people, new research shows.

Medical research

Preventing the onset of schizophrenia in a mouse model

Although predisposing processes occur earlier, schizophrenia emerges at young adulthood, suggesting it might involve a pathological transition during late brain development in predisposed individuals. Using a genetic mouse ...

Oncology & Cancer

Popular weed killer deemed probable carcinogen by UN

One of the world's most popular weed-killers—and the most widely used kind in the U.S.—has been labeled a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

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