Medical research

Newly discovered memory process influences decision-making

Learned connections between stimuli and reward—like the positive emotions associated with popular brands—have a powerful influence over our future decisions. Scientists have started to discover why.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A new path into bipolar disorder comes to light

Bipolar disorder (BD) is a multifactorial brain disorder in which patients experience radical shifts in mood and undergo periods of depression followed by periods of mania. It has been known for some time that both environmental ...


Anesthesia changes neuronal choreography

Even under deep anesthesia, nerve cells remain highly active. A study conducted by researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin has shown by high-resolution cellular imaging that local neuronal networks remain ...


Neural networks learn to link temporally dispersed stimuli

Rustling leaves, a creaking branch: To a mouse, these sensory impressions may at first seem harmless - but not if a cat suddenly bursts out of the bush. If so, they were clues of impending life-threatening danger. Robert ...


Team unearths roots of neural branching

(Medical Xpress)—Understanding how neurons grow, connect and change throughout life may be the Holy Grail in treating many neurological disorders, including autism and epilepsy.

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