
How preeclampsia accelerates aging in women

Preeclampsia—the life-threatening surge in blood pressure that strikes 1 in 25 pregnancies—is an enigmatic condition. Each year, it causes the deaths of more than 70,000 women worldwide. Because scientists do not know ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Grief can increase risk of heart problems, study finds

Losing loved ones can take a major toll not just on psychological well-being but also on physical health. Researchers at the University of Arizona studied the impact of grief on heart function and found that severe grief ...

Overweight & Obesity

Junk food may impair our deep sleep, finds study

In a new study, researchers at Uppsala University have investigated how junk food affects sleep. Healthy participants consumed an unhealthier as well as a healthier diet in a randomized order. After the unhealthier diet, ...

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