
Molecular mechanism of cerebral venous thrombosis discovered

Cerebral venous thrombosis is a rare, often severe disease that has been brought to public attention by the COVID 19 pandemic. A research group from Würzburg has now succeeded for the first time in deciphering a molecular ...


Study documents high incidence of Pica in Madagascar

(Medical Xpress)—Pica—craving and intentionally consuming nonfood substances, such as earth—and amylophagy, eating raw starches—are widespread among people around the world, including the U.S. Some 180 species of ...

Medical research

Mothers' age at menopause may predict daughters' ovarian reserve

A mother's age at menopause may predict her daughter's fertility in terms of the numbers of eggs remaining in her ovaries, according to the new research published online in Europe's leading reproductive medicine journal Human ...

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