
Suppressing epileptic seizures via Anderson localization

More than 50 million people of all ages suffer from epilepsy, otherwise known as seizure disorder, the fourth most common neurological disease in the world. Patients diagnosed with epilepsy often experience recurrent seizures ...


New mech­an­ism un­der­ly­ing epi­lepsy found

Prolonged epileptic seizures may cause serious problems that will continue for the rest of a patient's life. As a result of a seizure, neural connections of the brain may be rewired in an incorrect way. This may result in ...


Scientists track down possible new treatment for epilepsy

Increasing the concentration of specific fats in the brain could suppress epileptic seizures. This is evident from ground-breaking research carried out by the research groups of Professor Patrik Verstreken (VIB-KU Leuven) ...


Cause of cortical malformations targeted by researchers

Cortical malformations are a major cause of epileptic seizures and are a hallmark feature of many neurodevelopmental disorders. Expanding upon its recently-published model of cortical malformations, a Yale team lead by neuroscientist ...


Can anti-inflammatory therapies be effective against epilepsy?

In epileptic patients, seizures lead to an increased level of inflammation-related proteins called chemokines in the brain, and systemic inflammation likely helps trigger and promote the recurrence of seizures, making inflammation ...


Heart rate variability predicts epileptic seizure

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures of many different types. Recent research from Japan has found that epileptic seizures can be more easily predicted by using an electrocardiogram to measure fluctuations ...

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