
Consuming 60 grams of nuts a day improves sexual function

Researchers from the Human Nutrition Unit of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona/Spain) and the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) have found that consuming 60 grams of nuts a day improves sexual function. ...


The global prevalence of erectile dysfunction

A review of published studies found that estimates for the global prevalence of erectile dysfunction vary widely, ranging from 3% to 76.5%. The findings are published in BJU International.


Pelvic exercises may beat bedroom blues

Physiotherapists from James Cook University in Australia say simple pelvic floor exercises may be a cure for some common problems men experience in the bedroom.


AUA: Marijuana tied to increased risk for LUTS medications in BPH

(HealthDay)—Marijuana use is associated with both sperm functional defects and an increased risk for being on a lower urinary tract symptom (LUTS) medication among men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)/LUTS, according ...


Sex drug 'effective' as heart failure treatment

A drug used to treat erectile dysfunction has been found by University of Manchester scientists to slow or even reverse the progression of heart failure in sheep.

Oncology & Cancer

Improved procedure for cancer-related erectile dysfunction

Melbourne surgeons have modified a minimally invasive technique to help men regain erectile function lost after prostate cancer surgery. The surgery had a 71 per cent success rate with two participants achieving their first ...

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