Oncology & Cancer

Study predicts cancer drug responsiveness in human tumors

It's a GEMM of a system. Genetically engineered mouse models that is. Using them allows scientists to study cancer in a way that more naturally mimics how human tumors exist within the complex environment of the body.

Oncology & Cancer

Tumors with ALK rearrangements can harbor more mutations

The identification of potentially targetable kinase mutations has been an exciting advancement in lung cancer treatment. Although the mutations driving many lung carcinomas remain unknown, approximately 50 percent of lung ...

Oncology & Cancer

New treatment holds promise for resistant lung cancer

A new chemotherapy regimen appears to produce minimal side effects in patients with lung cancer that has not responded to previous therapy, paving the way for additional research to determine if the new regimen also helps ...

Oncology & Cancer

A hijacking of healthy cellular circuits

Proteins that control cell growth are often mutated in cancer, and their aberrant signaling drives the wild proliferation of cells that gives rise to tumors. One such protein, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), ...

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