
Dental age method could help refugee identity

A dental age estimation method developed by Norwegian scientists in the mid-1990s has been put to the test by a University of WA PhD candidate to see how reliable and applicable it is.


Many smoke exposed in home/Car despite smoke-free rules

(HealthDay)—Many U.S. adults report voluntary smoke-free rules for private settings, such as homes and vehicles, but millions of people are still exposed to secondhand smoke in these environments, according to research ...


Dual-source cardiac CT IDs CAD in hard-to-image patients

(HealthDay)—In patients who have previously been considered difficult to image, dual-source cardiac (DSC) computed tomography (CT) can identify clinically significant coronary artery disease, according to a review published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Distance makes a difference in eyewitness identification

University of Adelaide researchers are studying the reliability of eyewitness identification testimony in criminal cases in the hopes of improving evidence from witnesses and leading to fairer trials.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Dementia costs top those for heart disease or cancer, study finds

The monetary cost of dementia in the United States ranges from $157 billion to $215 billion annually, making the disease more costly to the nation than either heart disease or cancer, according to a new RAND Corporation study.

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