Medical research

The bizarre case of a woman who pees alcohol

Clinicians encountered a case of previously unrecognized auto-brewery syndrome in which a substantial amount of alcohol was produced by yeast fermenting sugar in a patient's urinary system, even though the patient had not ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO-recommended hand disinfectants inactivate monkeypox viruses

People in many countries are contracting monkeypox, even though they have not traveled to any regions where the virus is mainly circulating. The World Health Organization (WHO) therefore classifies monkeypox as a public health ...


Clean hands and keyboards cut health risks

(Medical Xpress) -- Using simple ethanol-based hand sanitisers and regular cleaning with ethanol wipes can dramatically reduce bacteria on shared computer keyboards.


How binging creates alcohol tolerance in flies

Repeated exposure to large quantities of alcohol may lead to tolerance by reducing the activity of a protein that regulates communication between neurons, according to a study of fruit flies published in eNeuro.


Tendency to binge drinking runs in the blood

Mice drink more alcohol during the dark cycle compared to daytime.  The discovery made by scientists from  Portland Alcohol Research Center and The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at University of ...

Biomedical technology

Earmuffs that tell you when you're drunk

Innovative Japanese researchers have developed earmuffs (or should that be beermuffs?) that can tell how drunk you are.

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