Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The complex ethics of reopening America

Since the pandemic reached U.S. shores, public health experts and government officials have stressed aggressive social distancing policies in order to "flatten the curve" and reduce the spread of COVID-19 and prevent the ...


Lab-grown mini brains: They could one day outsmart us

The cutting-edge method of growing clusters of cells that organize themselves into mini versions of human brains in the lab is gathering more and more attention. These "brain organoids," made from stem cells, offer unparalleled ...


Sharing fitness data with insurance companies

From the Fitbit to Apple's smartwatch, wearable tech is becoming increasingly popular across the globe. Compared to other nations like US, which has seen higher adoption of fitness trackers, uptake in Australia is still less ...


First monkeys cloned by process that made Dolly the sheep

Scientists in China have created the first monkeys cloned by the same process that produced Dolly the sheep more than 20 years ago, a breakthrough that could boost medical research into human diseases.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

When is maternal immunisation ethically justified?

Vaccination during pregnancy can protect women, foetuses and newborn children against infectious diseases – especially in developing countries. Maternal immunisation however also raises ethical questions. Philosopher Marcel ...

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