Medical research

Ubiquitous nutrients suppress appetite and promote movement

In experiments on mice, researchers at ETH Zurich show that non-essential amino acids act as appetite suppressants and promote the urge to move. Their research is published in Current Biology and provides insight into the ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New theory may revolutionize treatment of endometriosis

Endometriosis, a disease found in up to 10 percent of women, has been enigmatic since it was first described. A new theory developed by researchers at Simon Fraser University suggests a previously overlooked hormone—testosterone—has ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When does the green monster of jealousy awake in people?

Adult heterosexual women and men are often jealous about completely different threats to their relationship. These differences in jealousy seem to establish themselves far sooner than people need them. The finding surprised ...


Nerve cell protection free from side effects

The hormone erythropoietin (Epo) is a well-known doping substance that has a long history of abuse in endurance sports such as cycling. In addition to promoting red blood cell production (erythropoiesis), which improves the ...

Overweight & Obesity

Researchers discover a new mechanism that could counteract obesity

Obesity rates worldwide have nearly tripled since 1975. Now, new research from the University of Minnesota Medical School has discovered, in rodents, critical mutations in molecules implicated in obesity, which may help inform ...


How the brain 'approximates' without actually counting

From the time of early infancy, humans are endowed with the capacity to approximate the number of objects in their visual field, an ability that continues throughout life and may underlie the development of more complex mathematical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The politics of fear: How it manipulates us to tribalism

The cruel murder of 50 people in New Zealand was another tragic reminder of how humans are capable of heartlessly killing their own kind just based on what they believe, how they worship, and what race or nationality they ...

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