Medical research

Premature birth linked to poorer school grades in adolescence

Premature birth, before 34 weeks of pregnancy, is linked to lower scores in math and language tests as a teenager compared with those born at 40 weeks, finds a large Danish population study published today in The BMJ.


Q and A: Pediatric pectus excavatum

We've noticed an indent in our son's chest since he was about 6 years old. Our pediatrician diagnosed this as pectus excavatum but said that it was nothing to worry about. Six years later, he's starting to complain that his ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How we learn from being wrong can lead to anxiety

How we learn from erroneous expectations that we face in the real world differs from person to person. While some may develop an optimistic viewpoint towards life, others may take on a more pessimistic outlook.


Why does my shoulder ache?

If you find yourself rubbing your shoulder after reaching up to take a coffee mug off the shelf, hammering in a nail just over your head or climbing into a pickup cab, you're among millions of Americans—particularly those ...


AI could change the way clinicians look at hip preservation

Orthopedic surgeons and biomedical engineers are trained to approach adolescent and young adult hip pain from two different perspectives. Surgeons typically look at conditions such as femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and ...

Radiology & Imaging

AI fails to pass radiology-qualifying examination

Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently unable to pass one of the qualifying radiology examinations, suggesting that this promising technology is not yet ready to replace doctors, finds a study in the Christmas issue of ...

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