Oncology & Cancer

Study calculates contribution of risk factors to cancer in the US

A new American Cancer Society study calculates the contribution of several modifiable risk factors to cancer occurrence, expanding and clarifying the role of known risk factors, from smoking to low consumption of fruits and ...


Being overweight may increase risk of type of brain tumor

Being overweight or obese may be tied to an increased risk of a type of brain tumor called meningioma, according to a new meta-analysis published in the September 16, 2015, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of ...

Overweight & Obesity

Is obesity slowing gains in U.S. life spans?

(HealthDay)—The death rate in the United States isn't decreasing as it has in years past, and some experts blame the opioid epidemic. But a new study suggests America's increasing girth is what's really behind the slowdown.


Location of body fat can elevate heart disease, cancer risk

Individuals with excessive abdominal fat have a greater risk of heart disease and cancer than individuals with a similar body mass index (BMI) who carry their fat in other areas of the body, according to a study published ...

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