Medical research

Inactivity in obese mice linked to a decreased motivation to move

Starting a regular program at the gym is a common New Year's resolution, but it's one that most people are unable to stick with for very long. Now a study done in mice is providing clues about one of the reasons why it may ...

Overweight & Obesity

Obesity: Tiny fat-burning molecule might help fight giant problem

A small molecule could provide valuable help in combating the global epidemic of obesity. When it was fed to obese mice, the animals' metabolism sped up and their excess weight was shed. It is doing so by recruiting the help ...

Medical research

Research identifies protein that promotes the breakdown of fat

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found that a protein often located on the surface of fat droplets within cells - and especially abundant in the muscles of endurance athletes - can kick-start the more efficient ...

Medical research

Extra fat does not act as an insulator

Carrying excess fat does not contribute to a warmer body in obese mice, a new study on the insulating effects of fat finds. The article is published in the American Journal of Physiology—Endocrinology and Metabolism.

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