
Deleting a protein might reduce cardiovascular disease

Macrophages travel through our arteries, gobbling fat the way Pac-man gobbled ghosts. But fat-filled macrophages can narrow blood vessels and cause heart disease. Now, UConn Health researchers describe in Nature Cardiovascular ...


Researchers develop more accurate measure of body fat

Cedars-Sinai investigators have developed a simpler and more accurate method of estimating body fat than the widely used body mass index, or BMI, with the goal of better understanding obesity.


Type 2 diabetes reversed by losing fat from pancreas

A team from Newcastle University, UK, has shown that Type 2 diabetes is caused by fat accumulating in the pancreas—and that losing less than one gram of that fat through weight loss reverses the diabetes.

Overweight & Obesity

Blood vessel cells implicated in chronic inflammation of obesity

Dec. 30, 2020—When fat cells in the body are stuffed with excess fat, the surrounding tissue becomes inflamed. That chronic, low-level inflammation is one of the driving factors behind many of the diseases associated with ...

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