
Researchers explore the epigenetics of daytime sleepiness

Everyone feels tired at times, but up to 20 percent of U.S. adults report feeling so sleepy during the day that it interferes with daily activities, including working, having meals or carrying on conversations. Excessive ...


How to soothe baby's teething pain safely

(HealthDay)—Few things are as distressing as baby's cries when his or her first teeth are coming in, but it's important to know what not to use to soothe that pain.


Nighttime noise has damaging effects on Lausanne residents

Researchers at EPFL, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) compared the geographical distribution of nearly 3,700 Lausanne residents suffering from daytime sleepiness with the noise ...


Quantifying sleepiness and how it relates to depression

Sleep disturbance is a significant issue for many individuals with depressive illnesses. While most individuals deal with an inability to sleep, or insomnia, about 20-30 percent of depressed patients report the opposite problem ...


Sleep therapy road test awakens new interest

The use of sleep restriction therapy to help treat adults with insomnia is under-recognised – despite encouraging results since it was first introduced in the late 1980s.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Daytime sleepiness linked to Alzheimer's

Do you catch yourself yawning during the day and yearning for an afternoon nap? You could be at more risk for Alzheimer's disease. A recent study published in JAMA Neurology found a potential link between excessive daytime ...

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