
Type 2 diabetes accelerates brain aging and cognitive decline

Scientists have demonstrated that normal brain aging is accelerated by approximately 26% in people with progressive type 2 diabetes compared to individuals without the disease, reports a study published today in eLife.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Autonomous tots have higher cognitive skills

Higher cognitive skills are found in the children of mothers who are consistently able to support the development of their baby's sense of autonomy, according to a study led by researchers at the University of Montreal. The ...


'Hangxiety': Why some people experience anxiety during a hangover

The morning after a night of drinking is never fun if you've got a hangover. For most people, hangovers involve a headache, fatigue, thirst or nausea. But some people also report experiencing what many have dubbed "hangxiety"—feelings ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Speaking two languages also benefits low-income children

(Medical Xpress)—Living in poverty is often accompanied by conditions that can negatively influence cognitive development. Is it possible that being bilingual might counteract these effects? Although previous research has ...


A 10-minute run can boost brain processing

Running may be a useful activity to undertake for better mental health. University of Tsukuba researchers have found that only 10 minutes of moderate-intensity running increases local blood flow to the various loci in the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Professors create free research-backed games to train your brain

University professors from New York and California designed and developed three digital games—available online and in the iOS and Google Play app stores—to help its users' brains work more efficiently. While some digital ...

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