
What is a cardiac stress test?

Your heart provides blood to all parts of your body. In order to determine if it's pumping properly, your health care provider may order a cardiac stress test. It makes the heart pump harder and faster, and can reveal potential ...


Exercise stress test to diagnose heart issues

Dear Mayo Clinic: I have a treadmill stress test scheduled to look for heart disease. I know this involves exercising, and I'm worried that I'm not physically up to it. Is there another way to gather this information?


Higher fitness level can determine longer lifespan after age 70

Researchers have uncovered one more reason to get off the couch and start exercising, especially if you're approaching your golden years. Among people over age 70, physical fitness was found to be a much better predictor ...


Why doctors still rely on century-old heart test

Most people might assume that technology first developed in 1928 would be obsolete by now. But from air conditioned buildings to sliced bread, many inventions of that era are still essential to our lives today. That includes ...

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