Medical research

Chili peppers and hugs: What inspired Nobel medicine winners

David Julius was browsing a supermarket aisle filled with chili pepper sauces when he turned to his wife, a fellow scientist, and said he thought it was time he finally solved how certain chemicals cause the sensation of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What you know can affect how you see

Objects—everything from cars, birds and faces to letters of the alphabet—look significantly different to people familiar with them, a new study suggests.

Inflammatory disorders

Natural protein points to new inflammation treatment

Increasing the level of a naturally-produced protein, called tristetraprolin (TTP), significantly reduced or protected mice from inflammation, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The results suggest ...


Scientists map route for eliciting HIV-neutralizing antibodies

Researchers have traced in detail how certain powerful HIV neutralizing antibodies evolve, a finding that generates vital clues to guide the design of a preventive HIV vaccine, according to a study appearing in Science Express ...

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