
Propofol use in execution stirs concern

The potential use of propofol in a Missouri execution next month is raising concerns that the anti-death penalty European Union could limit its export, endangering the supply of the vital anesthetic to thousands of hospitals ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Paraguay confirms new foot-and-mouth outbreak

Major beef exporter Paraguay confirmed a new outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease Tuesday in the north of the country, four days after lifting a state of emergency imposed in the region in September.


Vaccine stock in Italy stirs EU suspicions

AstraZeneca on Wednesday denied reports it was stockpiling coronavirus vaccines in the EU to export to Britain, after Italian inspectors found 29 million doses in a manufacturing plant.

Oncology & Cancer

One-two punch for cancer

Many cancer cells evade critical DNA surveillance and maintenance by increasing the export—by the Exportin-1 (XPO1) nucleo-cytoplasmic transport protein—of nearly all major tumor suppressor proteins from the nucleus. ...


Malawi passes medical cannabis legislation

Malawi on Thursday became the latest African country to legalise the growing of cannabis, a crop that could supplement the tobacco industry, which has been the country's economic mainstay.


EU tightens rules on coronavirus vaccine exports

The EU on Wednesday tightened its rules on Covid-19 vaccine exports, making authorisations contingent on destination countries behaving fairly in return—particularly vaccine-producing ones.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

US moves to contain mad cow fallout

The United States scrambled on Wednesday to contain the fallout from the discovery of mad cow disease in California as the top beef exporter insisted the outbreak posed no threat to consumers.


EU calls on US to push exports to counter vaccine shortage

The European Union called on the United States Friday to start boosting its vaccine exports to contain the global COVID-19 crisis, and said that the U.S. backing of patent waivers would provide only a long-term solution at ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Quick response averts market scare in mad cow case

(AP) -- The announcement that mad cow disease was spotted in a California cow drew a rapid response this week from the beleaguered American beef industry, which has been enduring one crisis after another for more than a ...

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The term export is derived from the conceptual meaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port of a country. The seller of such goods and services is referred to as an "exporter" who is based in the country of export whereas the overseas based buyer is referred to as an "importer". In International Trade, "exports" refers to selling goods and services produced in home country to other markets.

Any good or commodity, transported from one country to another country in a legitimate fashion, typically for use in trade. Export goods or services are provided to foreign consumers by domestic producers.

Export of commercial quantities of goods normally requires involvement of the customs authorities in both the country of export and the country of import. The advent of small trades over the internet such as through Amazon and eBay have largely bypassed the involvement of Customs in many countries because of the low individual values of these trades[citation needed]. Nonetheless, these small exports are still subject to legal restrictions applied by the country of export. An export's counterpart is an import.

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