Psychology & Psychiatry

Back-to-school anxiety: Seven tips to help children cope

Going back to school after the summer holidays can be a big deal. For some children, it means moving into a new classroom with a new teacher. Others will be going to a new school altogether. Change can be exciting, but it's ...

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Extracurricular activity

Extracurricular activities are activities performed by students that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school or university education. Extracurricular activities exist at all levels of education, from 4th-6th, junior high/middle school, high school, college and university education. On average, in the United States, many students participate in a minimum of one extracurricular activity throughout the course of one school year.

Such activities are generally voluntary as opposed to mandatory, non-paying, tend to be Athletics, social, and philanthropic as opposed to scholastic, and involve others of the same age. Students often organize and direct these activities under faculty sponsorship; although student-led initiatives - such as independent newspapers - are common.

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