
How to stay safe in extreme summer heat

Blazing temperatures can bring on serious illness if you're not careful. Dr. Abhi Mehrotra, an emergency physician at UNC Hospitals, offers tips on protecting yourself and your family against extreme heat.


Experts discover why Rudolph's nose is red

Rudolph's nose is red because it is richly supplied with red blood cells which help to protect it from freezing and to regulate brain temperature.


How climate change affects children's health and well-being

Climate change can have a detrimental effect on children's health, yet there are few studies investigating how climate change affects child health. A recent study were researchers compiled 300 articles shows that child health ...

Endocrinology & Metabolism

Global warming projected to increase health burden from hyponatremia

Global warming is likely to increase the number of people requiring hospitalization due to critically low sodium levels in the blood, a condition known as hyponatremia. A new study from Karolinska Institutet projects that ...

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