
Mobile screening app triples eye care uptake

Using smartphones for eye screening and referrals could triple the number of people seeking primary care for eye problems and increase the uptake of hospital services in low-resource settings, a study says.


Poor people with diabetes may miss out on eye care

(HealthDay)—People with diabetes are at increased risk for eye problems, but a new study finds that poor diabetes patients who go to public hospital clinics have low rates of eye care.


Is your doctor prescribing the wrong treatment for pink eye?

A new study suggests that most people with acute conjunctivitis, or pink eye, are getting the wrong treatment. About 60 percent of patients are prescribed antibiotic eyedrops, even though antibiotics are rarely necessary ...


Lots of Americans want health care via their smartphone

(HealthDay)—Plenty of Americans are eager to use their mobile phones and tablet computers to better manage their health care, a new poll finds—though the nation has a way to go before we're all consulting Dr. Smartphone.

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