
Microscopic eye movements vital for 20/20 vision

Visual acuity—the ability to discern letters, numbers, and objects from a distance—is essential for many tasks, from recognizing a friend across a room to driving a car.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rare sleep disorder common among veterans with PTSD

Military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder or concussion suffer from a thrashing form of sleep behavior at a rate that is far higher than the general population, according to a new study by researchers at the VA ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Saw but forgot—drivers' memory lapses puts motorcyclists at risk

There are an estimated 90 fatalities a year in the UK caused by drivers pulling out into the path of an oncoming motorcycle. New research by psychologists at the University of Nottingham suggests this sort of crash may often ...

Medical research

Relational memory in early psychosis

Relational memory—the ability to form contextual relationships between individual items—is impaired in chronic schizophrenia and has been linked to hippocampal dysfunction. Whether relational memory impairment exists ...

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