Sleep disorders

Sleep-deprived bees have difficulty relearning

Everyone feels refreshed after a good night's sleep, but sleep does more than just rejuvenate, it can also consolidate memories. 'The rapid eye movement form of sleep and slow wave sleep are involved in cognitive forms of ...


Visual object categorization in infancy

People give meaning to the world through the categorisation of objects. When and how does this process begin? By studying the gaze of 100 infants, scientists at the Institut des Sciences Cognitives Marc Jeannerod (CNRS/Université ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Autism symptoms not explained by impaired attention

Autism is marked by several core features—impairments in social functioning, difficulty communicating, and a restriction of interests. Though researchers have attempted to pinpoint factors that might account for all three ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychology: What gazes reveal about us

A new study by the TU Dresden shows that eye movements during the processing of tasks provide information about what the respective person is currently occupied with and what goals are being pursued within the task. These ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

COVID-19 dreams? Here's what they mean

Whether the cause is stress related to working from home, wearing masks, lack of day care, or limited access to health care, COVID-19-related anxiety has spilled into nearly every aspect of our lives. Apparently, it has even ...

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