Psychology & Psychiatry

Vision trumps hearing in study

A Duke University study used puppet-based comedy to demonstrate the complicated inner-workings of the brain and shows what every ventriloquist knows: The eye is more convincing than the ear.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases through eye movements

A new robotic system developed by UPM researchers and AURA Innovative Robotics Company can help diagnose neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Parkinson's through the analysis of eye movements.


When sleep disorders presage something more serious

Early one morning, while checking on a slumbering patient at the Center for Sleep Medicine, Erik St. Louis, M.D., noticed something peculiar. The patient, a woman in her early 60's, had started running beneath her bedsheets. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers show that eye vergence influences visual attention

The journal PLOS ONE has recently published a study which provides new data around attention and visual perception. The article "A role of eye vergence in covert attention" was authored by researchers from the Institute for ...


Barrow researchers use magic for discoveries

Researchers at Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center have unveiled how and why the public perceives some magic tricks in recent studies that could have real-world implications in military ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Acute sleep loss may alter the way we see others

A new study from Uppsala University shows that young adults when sleep-deprived evaluate angry faces as less trustworthy and healthy-looking. Furthermore, neutral and fearful faces appear less attractive following sleep loss. ...

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