Psychology & Psychiatry

Moral decisions can be manipulated by eye tracking

Moral decisions can be influenced by tracking moment to moment movements of the eyes during deliberation, finds new research from Lund University, Sweden, University College London and University of California Merced.


Eye movements reveal rhythm of memory formation

(Medical Xpress)—Quick eye movements, called saccades, that enable us to scan a visual scene appear to act as a metronome for pushing information about that scene into memory.


Distinguishing REM sleep from other conscious states

(Medical Xpress)—Despite decades of research, little is known about the function of REM sleep, or the dreams that often accompany it. Rapid eye movements occur in most mammals, with a few exceptions like echidnas and dolphins. ...


Babies show visual consciousness at five months

(Medical Xpress)—A new study by scientists in France and Denmark has identified a neurological marker in the brain of babies as young as five months that is associated with visual consciousness, or the ability to process ...


Why sleep soothes distress: Neurobiology explained

A study published in Nature Reviews Neuroscience by an international team including the Woolcock's Dr. Rick Wassing examined research into sleep disorders over more than two decades to prove a good night's sleep is the perfect ...

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