
New research shows virtual school can harm children's vision

When COVID-19 first shut down classrooms and virtual schooling became the new norm, ophthalmologists predicted an increase in digital eye strain in children. New research from ophthalmologists at Wills Eye Hospital confirms ...


Eye health is related to brain health

People with mild vascular disease that causes damage to the retina in the eye are more likely to have problems with thinking and memory skills because they may also have vascular disease in the brain, according to a study ...


Mobile screening app triples eye care uptake

Using smartphones for eye screening and referrals could triple the number of people seeking primary care for eye problems and increase the uptake of hospital services in low-resource settings, a study says.


New criteria for automated preschool vision screening

The Vision Screening Committee of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the professional organization for pediatric eye care, has revised its guidelines for automated preschool vision screening ...


Screen time can seriously harm your eyes: Here's how to avoid it

Every day, more and more patients are seeking medical attention after spending long days in front of computer screens. The most common symptoms include irritated or itchy eyes, and a sensation of dryness or sand on the surface ...

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