Psychology & Psychiatry

Money-savers focus attention—and eyes—on the prize

Why are some people able to patiently save for the future, while others opt for smaller amounts of money now? A new study from Duke University takes a close look at what drives "patient savers," and reaches some surprising ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Creativity starts in the cradle, new research shows

Infants less than 1 year old can combine simple concepts into complex ideas, showing that creativity begins in babyhood. According to new research at the University of Birmingham, in the U.K., and Central European University ...

Attention deficit disorders

Using a virtual reality game to objectively detect ADHD

Researchers have used virtual reality games, eye tracking and machine learning to show that differences in eye movements can be used to detect ADHD, potentially providing a tool for more precise diagnosis of attention deficits. ...

Autism spectrum disorders

When mom talks, are infants with ASD listening?

Motherese is a form of simplified, exaggerated melodic speech that parents use to communicate with newborns and young toddlers. A horse becomes horsie; a dog becomes doggie; parents become mama and dada. The tendency to speak ...

Medical research

Eye-tracking data improves prosthetic hands

Prosthetic hands restore only some of the function lost through amputation. But combining electrical signals from forearm muscles with other sources of information, such as eye tracking, promises better prostheses. A study ...

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