Psychology & Psychiatry

Vagaries of memory mean eyewitness testimony isn't perfect

Twenty eyewitnesses testified before the grand jury investigating the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. None of these accounts is fully consistent with any other. Moreover, eyewitnesses even gave accounts ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Distance influences accuracy of eyewitness IDs

Eyewitness accuracy declines steadily and quite measuredly as the distance increases. Additionally, a good deal of guess work or so-called "false alarms" also comes into play as the distance increases. These findings have ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Forensic sciences are 'fraught with error'

A target article recently published in Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (JARMAC) reviews various high-profile false convictions. It provides an overview of classic psychological research on expectancy and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Distance makes a difference in eyewitness identification

University of Adelaide researchers are studying the reliability of eyewitness identification testimony in criminal cases in the hopes of improving evidence from witnesses and leading to fairer trials.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Eyewitness identification reforms may have unintended consequences

(Medical Xpress) -- New research by a University of California, Riverside psychologist raises serious questions about eyewitness identification procedures that are being adopted by police departments across the United States.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Identifying the bad guy

Flinders University psychologist Professor Neil Brewer is proposing a radical alternative to the traditional police line-up, arguing current eyewitness identification tests often fail to pick the culprit, or worse, wrongfully ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding the science of eyewitness identifications

Mistaken eyewitness identification is a primary cause of wrongful convictions in the United States. This link between false identifications and false convictions has spurred a reform movement to change the way that police ...

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