
US woman disfigured in lye attack reveals new face

(AP)—A U.S. woman revealed her new face after a transplant Wednesday, six years after her ex-husband disfigured her by dousing her with industrial-strength lye, and said she went through "what some may call hell" but has ...


Researchers use 3-D printing to guide human face transplants

Researchers are using computed tomography (CT) and 3-D printing technology to recreate life-size models of patients' heads to assist in face transplantation surgery, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting ...


Virginia man injured in gun accident gets new face (Update)

(AP) -- After 15 years of wearing a mask and living as a recluse, a 37-year-old Virginia man disfigured in a gun accident got a new face, nose, teeth and jaw in what University of Maryland physicians say is the most extensive ...


Complication in Turkey's quadruple limb transplant

Turkish surgeons had to remove one leg from a patient who underwent a quadruple limb transplant after his heart and vascular system failed to sustain the limb, the hospital said on Sunday.


Face transplant patient celebrates life in public

(AP)—In the 15 years between a shotgun blast that ravaged the bottom half of Richard Norris' face and the face transplant that ended a hermit-like life for him, the man from rural southwest Virginia faced cruelty from strangers, ...


Face transplants: the ups and downs

Ten years and 36 operations later, the face transplant remains a tricky endeavour with a long list of health and mental risks to be weighed against the benefits, experts say.

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