
Finding support for surgery on Facebook

For many, Facebook connects friends, family, and others with common interests. Despite the popularity of social networking sites like Facebook, scientists are only beginning to learn how they affect human interaction.

Psychology & Psychiatry

You are what you 'like', according to new Facebook personality test

Pretty much all of us work with computers these days. The problem with computers is that while they can complete complex calculations and recall distant details, they're terrible at sensing how you're feeling. And that can ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Facebook makes users envious, dissatisfied

In a joint research study conducted by the Department of Information Systems of the TU Darmstadt (Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann) and the Institute of Information Systems of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Dr. Hanna Krasnova), ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

More Facebook friends means more stress, says report

A large number of friends on Facebook may appear impressive but, according to a new report, the more social circles a person is linked to online the more likely social media will be a source of stress.

Oncology & Cancer

Professor documents cancer battle in online videos

(AP) -- At first, David Oliver ignored the bump on his neck that he noticed while shaving. The medical school professor assumed it was calcified scar tissue from a previous surgery.

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