Psychology & Psychiatry

Feeling unloved? Like this post

Insecure? Craving attention and needing to feel good about yourself? Chances are Facebook is your friend. A new study suggests that people who are generally insecure in their relationships are more actively engaged on the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

If Facebook use causes envy, depression could follow

Browsing Facebook has become a daily activity for hundreds of millions of people. Because so many people engage with the website daily, researchers are interested in how emotionally involved Facebook users can be with the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

You are what you 'like', according to new Facebook personality test

Pretty much all of us work with computers these days. The problem with computers is that while they can complete complex calculations and recall distant details, they're terrible at sensing how you're feeling. And that can ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Is egg freezing an empowering option for women?

Katie Hammond, a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology researching the experience of egg donation in Canada, discusses the recent decision by tech giants Facebook and Apple to offer egg freezing to female employees, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Big data becomes tool in Ebola battle

Nine days before Ebola was declared an epidemic, a group of researchers and computer scientists in Boston spotted the hemorrhagic fever beginning to spread in Guinea.


Unhealthy brands using Facebook to target young people

World-first research by the University of Sydney reveals that junk food brands are engaging with young Facebook users to promote unhealthy foods which can contribute to obesity and lifestyle diseases.

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