Psychology & Psychiatry

How the shape and size of your face relates to your sexuality

Men and women with shorter, wider faces tend to be more sexually motivated and to have a stronger sex drive than those with faces of other dimensions. These are the findings from a study led by Steven Arnocky of Nipissing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds facial impressions driven by our own experiences

The pseudoscience of physiognomy - judging people's character from their faces - has been around for centuries, but a new Princeton University study shows that people make such judgments based on their own experiences.


Diagnosing fetal alcohol disorder more easily

Early-childhood clinicians such as pediatricians and child psychologists are often the first to raise the alarm for families with children who exhibit developmental disorders, such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). ...


Face shape is in the genes

Many of the characteristics that make up a person's face, such as nose size and face width, stem from specific genetic variations, reports John Shaffer of the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, and colleagues, in a ...


Genes for nose shape found

Genes that drive the shape of human noses have been identified by a UCL-led study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The psychology of makeup

You are five years old, playing with your friends outside, when suddenly someone new appears. You size them up and realize they must be two or maybe even three years your senior. You give up your swing as a sign of respect. ...

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