
E-cigarette vaping negatively impacts wound healing

A new study shows that e-cigarette vaping negatively affects skin wound healing, causing damage similar to that of traditional cigarette smoking. Researchers, led by a team from Boston Medical Center (BMC), found exposure ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

UCLA-led team may have found key to cause of Cushing disease

Cushing disease is a life-threatening disorder most commonly triggered by tumors, often benign, in the pituitary glands, resulting in excess production of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). The condition is marked by progressive ...


Face transplantation calls for 'reverse craniofacial planning'

As surgical teams gain experience with facial transplantation, a careful approach to planning based on the principles of craniofacial surgery can help to maximize patient outcomes in terms of facial form and function, according ...

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