
E-cigarette vaping negatively impacts wound healing

A new study shows that e-cigarette vaping negatively affects skin wound healing, causing damage similar to that of traditional cigarette smoking. Researchers, led by a team from Boston Medical Center (BMC), found exposure ...


Integrated 3-D imaging facilitates human face transplantation

By combining conventional medical imaging with some of the same 3-D modeling techniques used in Hollywood blockbusters, researchers are offering new hope to victims of serious facial injuries. Results of a new study on human ...


Virginia man injured in gun accident gets new face (Update)

(AP) -- After 15 years of wearing a mask and living as a recluse, a 37-year-old Virginia man disfigured in a gun accident got a new face, nose, teeth and jaw in what University of Maryland physicians say is the most extensive ...


Face transplantation calls for 'reverse craniofacial planning'

As surgical teams gain experience with facial transplantation, a careful approach to planning based on the principles of craniofacial surgery can help to maximize patient outcomes in terms of facial form and function, according ...

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