Obstetrics & gynaecology

Blood test for chlamydia may predict pregnancy outcomes

A blood test that detects antibodies to the sexually transmitted bacteriumChlamydia trachomatismay be helpful in screening infertile women for pregnancy outcomes, according to a new study.

Medical research

Why caffeine can reduce fertility in women

Caffeine reduces muscle activity in the Fallopian tubes that carry eggs from a woman's ovaries to her womb. "Our experiments were conducted in mice, but this finding goes a long way towards explaining why drinking caffeinated ...

Oncology & Cancer

Ovarian cancer arises in fallopian tube of knockout mice

(Medical Xpress) -- The most deadly form of "ovarian" cancer arises in the fallopian tubes – not the ovaries – of knockout mice that lack two genes associated with the disease, said researchers led by Baylor College ...

Medical research

Researcher solves longstanding fallopian tube transport debate

Wei Yan, MD, Ph.D., and his research group have solved a longstanding mystery and scientific debate about the mechanism underlying the gamete and embryo transport within the fallopian tube. Using a mouse model that lacked ...

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