Psychology & Psychiatry

People can be convinced they committed a crime that never happened

Evidence from some wrongful-conviction cases suggests that suspects can be questioned in ways that lead them to falsely believe in and confess to committing crimes they didn't actually commit. New research provides lab-based ...


'False memories'—the hidden side of our good memory

Justice blindly trusts human memory. Every year throughout the world hundreds of thousands of court cases are heard based solely on the testimony of somebody who swears that they are reproducing exactly an event that they ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Don't believe everything psychologists tell you about memory

Over the past couple of decades, there has been an explosion of research into "false memories," showing that our memory can be subtly altered by a variety of internal and external factors. Many psychologists think the public ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young child just as reliable a witness as an adult

The eyewitness account of a young child is no less reliable than that of an adult. Depending on the material 'to be recalled', older children and adults produce more false memories than young children do. Forensic psychologist ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Ads can influence 'smart' false memories

(Medical Xpress)—It is commonly believed that false memories – recollections that are factually incorrect – occur because something goes wrong in the brain. However, recent research shows that some false memories are ...


How authentic are photographic memories?

Since the invention of photography itself, people have used photograph-themed metaphors when thinking and talking about memories and remembering. When we want to retain memories of everyday events for example, we take "mental ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Vagaries of memory mean eyewitness testimony isn't perfect

Twenty eyewitnesses testified before the grand jury investigating the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. None of these accounts is fully consistent with any other. Moreover, eyewitnesses even gave accounts ...

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