Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Simple test can help detect Alzheimer's before dementia signs show

York University researchers say a simple test that combines thinking and movement can help to detect heightened risk for developing Alzheimer's disease in a person, even before there are any telltale behavioural signs of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

CDC reports the rich sleep better at night

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has conducted a sleep study and found that rich people, on average, sleep longer at night than poor people. According to a report by CNN, researchers at the agency sent ...

Oncology & Cancer

9 common questions about genetic testing for cancer

Your genes play a role in nearly all areas of your health. A gene is like an instruction manual for your body that tells your body how to function, develop and stay healthy. People have about 20,000 genes in their bodies.

Oncology & Cancer

New test set to transform breast cancer prevention

Women who have a family history of breast cancer are set to benefit from a new genetic test at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) that assesses breast cancer risk, with plans for it to enter clinical practice ...

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