
Are you accessing all your medical records online?

(HealthDay)—Surprisingly, we're still on a learning curve when it comes to the availability of electronic health records, the digital way to access what used to be paper-only files.


Scrutiny of vaccine exemptions banishes some from schools

Carl and Kerri Schwartz say they have good medical reason for not vaccinating their disabled 11-year-old son, Thorn, and until recently his local public school went along with their family doctor's advice.


Family influence key in spread of opioid use

Introducing an opioid painkiller into a home can double the chances someone else living in the home seeks out the addictive drugs on his or her own, according to a new paper from two UC Berkeley researchers.


French doctors to end life support in right-to-die case

French doctors are set to begin removing life support from paralysed road accident victim Vincent Lambert on Tuesday, in what could be the final act in a hugely controversial right-to-die case that has drawn in Pope Francis.

Medical research

The role of family doctors in advanced therapies

A recent study conducted jointly by the Tissue Engineering Research Group of the Department of Histology and the family medicine Unit of the University of Granada (UGR) has highlighted the conceptual, attitudinal and procedural ...

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