
New hope for 'bubble baby disease'

Babies born with Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) syndrome are defenceless against bacterial and viral infections that would be virtually harmless to most healthy people. If untreated, SCID is often fatal within a ...


Do you really have high blood pressure?

A study by researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) shows that more than half of family doctors in Canada are still using manual devices to measure blood pressure, a dated technology that ...


UI researchers find benefits to using telehealth with ASD families

Telemedicine - connecting health care providers and patients via computer or smart phone for diagnosis and treatment—has been making it easier, and more cost-effective, to "see" the doctor. Using a camera-enabled computer ...


Many doctors don't urge HPV shots for preteens, study says

Many pediatricians and family doctors are not strongly recommending the cancer-preventing HPV vaccine to preteens and their parents, contributing to low vaccination rates, a survey of nearly 600 doctors suggests.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Many UK patients with gonorrhea prescribed outdated antibiotics

Many UK patients with gonorrhoea are being prescribed antibiotics that are no longer recommended for treating the infection by their family doctor (GP), reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open.

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