
Q and A: Teen stretch marks

My 14-year-old son grew almost 4 inches in the last year. I noticed that he has a few pink and purple streaks on his legs and back. They look a bit like stretch marks, but I thought that happens only during pregnancy. Are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mental health safety for LGBTIQ+ people

La Trobe University's Bouverie Centre has partnered with Thorne Harbour Health to launch an online course designed to help mental health practitioners work safely and effectively with LGBTIQ+ people.

Psychology & Psychiatry

For new mothers, feeling low in social status poses risk to health

When it comes to the link between socioeconomic status and health, perception can be as important as reality. A study published by the American Psychological Association finds that new mothers who see themselves as lower ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Nursing home residents can get hugs again, feds say

Nursing home residents vaccinated against COVID-19 can get hugs again from their loved ones, and all residents may enjoy more indoor visits, the government said Wednesday in a step toward pre-pandemic normalcy.


Canada should approve HIV self-testing

Canada should integrate self-testing for HIV into the health system to help reduce the burden of the disease, argues a commentary published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal.

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