
New gut-brain circuits found for sugar and fat cravings

Understanding why we overeat unhealthy foods has been a long-standing mystery. While we know food's strong power influences our choices, the precise circuitry in our brains behind this is unclear. The vagus nerve sends internal ...


Study suggests key to antipsychotic-drug–induced obesity

An increased concentration of the hormone leptin in fat cells is believed to be responsible for weight gain associated with antipsychotic drugs, according to research led by UT Southwestern Medical Center. The study, published ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists show reprogrammed fat cells support tumor growth

Mutations of the tumor suppressor p53 not only have a growth-promoting effect on the cancer cells themselves, but also influence the cells in the tumor's microenvironment. Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) ...


Study finds fat cells help repair damaged nerves

Damage to the body's peripheral nerves can cause pain and movement disorders. Researchers at the Leipzig University have recently investigated how damaged nerves can regenerate better. They found that fat tissue strongly ...


Study reveals how estrogen exerts its anti-diabetic effects

The quintessential female sex hormone estrogen stimulates cells that line blood vessels to deliver insulin to muscles, lowering blood sugar and protecting against type 2 diabetes, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers ...

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