Medical research

New target receptor discovered in the fight against obesity

The team of scientists from King's College London and Imperial College London tested a high-fat diet, containing a fermentable carbohydrate, and a control diet on mice and looked at the effect on food intake of those with ...


Weight and diet may help predict sleep quality

The old adage "you are what you eat," may be better phrased as "your sleep relates to what you eat." An individual's body composition and caloric intake can influence time spent in specific sleep stages, according to results ...

Overweight & Obesity

Study throws fat in the fire of diet debate

A health study came to the defence of certain dietary fats on Tuesday, adding fuel to a scientific row over low-fat guidelines that have bedevilled dieters for nearly half-a-century.


Fatty foods, drowsy days

(HealthDay)—Men who eat a lot of fatty foods may find themselves needing an afternoon nap, a new study suggests.

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